Why Choose Siraat®?
Compare the true cost and benefits of upgrading to titanium.
5-Year Cost Comparison
Traditional Boards
Multiple replacements needed
One-time investment
Save over $100 while enjoying superior quality
Let's compare
Traditional Boards
Dulls knives quickly
Harbors bacteria
Needs replacement
Preserves knife edge
Naturally antimicrobial
Lifetime durability
Reduction in bacterial growth vs traditional boards
Longer knife edge retention with titanium surface
100-Day Risk-Free Trial • Lifetime Warranty
The Hidden Danger in Your Kitchen: Plastic Cutting Boards Release Microplastics into Food
Every time you use a plastic cutting board, you're potentially consuming thousands of microplastic particles. These particles, smaller than 5mm, can accumulate in your body over time.
Average amount of microplastics consumed weekly through food preparation on plastic surfaces
The Siraat® Solution
Switch to our medical-grade titanium cutting boards. Zero plastic emission, naturally antimicrobial, and built to last a lifetime.
An Investment in Quality
One decision, a lifetime of superior performance.
Cost Per Use
Based on daily use over 5 years
Traditional Boards€500+
Average spend on replacements over 5 years
Siraat® Investment€59,95
One-time purchase, lifetime performance
Lifetime Value
Years of Use
Performance Retained